The Leo Full Moon occurs on Wednesday, February 16, 2022 at 8:57 a.m. on the West Coast.
At each Full Moon, the Sun is in its seasonal sign (currently Aquarius), and the Moon reaches the exact same degree of the opposite sign. Polarity is a key dimension of astrology as opposites are complimentary. They are like medicine for each other.
Leo is fixed fire, the sign of individualized creative expression. Its opposite, fixed air Aquarius, has a detached, even analytical tone, and it is oriented toward groups and alliances. Individuals and groups—they need each other.
When I think of the Leo-Aquarius axis, I think of Mick Jagger and the Rolling Stones. Jagger was born with the Sun, Jupiter and Mercury in a stellium—that’s a cluster of three or more planets— in Leo. A Sun-Jupiter blend gives someone a larger-than-life personality, like royalty in his own realm. Mercury represents listening and vocalizing. Leo is the sign of the entertainer, bringing joy to the masses, which Jagger does with his loud and raucous voice. At 78, Jagger still streaks across the stage, wailing and shimmying, soaking in the adoration of roaring crowds, embodying the height of individualized expression. He basks in the glow of attention.That’s Leo. Yet he’s nothing without the band. They’ve been together for six decades. That’s fixed Aquarian energy. All for one.
The Rolling Stones are grieving the recent death of their drummer Charlie Watts. Nonetheless, they went on tour in the fall, still a group—Aquarian. And still pouring out the exhilaration of Leo, ruled by the Sun. Creativity and fun for a mass audience—that’s Leo/Aquarius.
At the February 16 Full Moon in Leo, we might consider what we’re doing these days to nurture our creative selves, as well as what we have to offer to groups of people, small or large. You don’t have to be a Rolling Stone to be making your own kind of music.
On February 16, the Full Moon at 27 degrees and 59 minutes of Leo will be separating from a 150-degree inconjunct aspect with Pluto. The Moon represents our deepest emotions and reigning needs for security. Pluto is about personal empowerment and power dynamics with others. The inconjunct between Pluto and The Moon is awkward if not just plain irritating. It’s a time to keep a watch on emotions that could boil over in fiery Leo.
Pluto is prominent at this time also because the United States is in the midst of its Pluto return, with the first of three direct passes this year occurring on February 22. When a planet returns to the exact degree it was on at the time of birth, that’s a powerful time for the symbolism of that planet to manifest again. Pluto has about a 248-year orbit around the Sun, meaning that now is the only time that the United States has experienced a return to the power dynamics of 1776 or thereabouts. The United States’ Pluto return is a big subject, part of what is called mundane astrology—the study of worldly events. Suffice it to say that when a nation goes through a Pluto return, all of its repressed and ugly secrets surface from below, and there can be open struggles over who will control the future. If this sounds to you like what is happening now in the United States, it is right on schedule. Stay tuned.
At the February 16 Full Moon, the most prominent aspect in the sky is the conjunction between Venus and Mars in the sign of Capricorn.
Venus and Mars (and Mercury) are called “inner” or “personal” planets because they travel relatively close to the Sun, and their meaning has to do with our personal lives. The conjunction between Venus and Mars occurs once a year, usually for about ten days. This year is unusual in that Venus and Mars are together throughout February and into March and April. Their conjunction will be exact at the February 16 Full Moon.
Both Venus and Mars have to do with desire. Venus is all about who and what we attract, our style of aesthetics and relating. Mars has to do with motivation and initiative and is not so subtle as Venus. Put them together and this time frame may conjure feelings like “Men are from Mars, women are from Venus.” There may be extra glittery sparks flying in relationships. That’s one level.
More broadly, though, Venus is about love and desire in all their forms, from romantic love, to self-love, to friendship, and love for the Divine. Mars represents the courageous warrior in our psyche, the drive to put aside hesitation and forge ahead.
The union of Venus and Mars invites contemplation of how to work personally with these two forces, while they are together in Capricorn. Ruled by Saturn, earthy Capricorn is about effort, commitment and the rewards for hard work.
By way of example, I can tell you, readers, how I’m working with the Venus/Mars conjunction, especially at the time of the Full Moon in Leo. In the 1980s and 1990s, I was a prolific writer and journalist, yet due to circumstances beyond my control, in 2000, I had to take a detour and shift to a career that does not nurture my soul. Writing remains one of my greatest loves, as is sharing my writing, which is what I’m doing here. In my natal chart, Venus (love) is in Gemini (the storyteller) in the Tenth House of career and public mission. Writing is something I must do to be happy.
This year, including while Venus and Mars are together, I am focused on expanding my writing practice and opportunities for publication. I have to keep my day job for the indefinite future. But like weeds that break through cement sidewalks and reach for the Sun, I savor the moments of creativity that my lifestyle affords me, even when that means getting up at 4 a.m. to have time to write. Like the Rolling Stones, but in my own humble way, I want to never stop rocking.
At this Full Moon in Leo, may you zero in on one of your heart’s desires, and find a way to pursue it.
Blessings for the Leo Full Moon!
~ Sara
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